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Fishery Technology

An International Peer Reviewed Journal dedicated to the propagation of Fishery Technology and related areas

Aims and Scope

Fishery Technology offers a global perspective and fills an important niche in the field of fisheries technology and associated areas.

The Journal brings together research to advance the knowledge in areas of fishery resources, fishing craft and gear, fish processing, biochemistry and microbiology of fish, frontier areas like biotechnology and nanotechnology; and socio-economic and policy issues related to the fisheries sector.

The Journal publishes manuscripts and review articles that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence in the aforesaid fields.

Fishery Technology (ISSN: 0015-3001) is published quarterly January, April, July and October by Society of Fisheries Technologists (India), CIFT Junction, P. O. Matsyapuri, Cochin - 682 029, Kerala, India

The Journal is also published online at

 Editorial Consultants

Dr. E. G. Silas
Former Vice Chancellor,
Kerala Agricultural University,
Cochin, India

Dr. K. Gopakumar
Former Deputy Director General (Fisheries)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
New Delhi, India

Dr. B. Meenakumari
Deputy Director General (Fisheries)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
New Delhi, India

Dr. V. Prakash
Former Director,
Central Food Technological
Research Institute, Mysore, India

Dr. Iddya Karunasagar
Senior Fishery Industry Officer,
Products, Trade & Marketing Service,
FAO, Rome

Dr. Ambekar E. Eknath
Director General,
Network of AquacutureCentres in
Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand

Dr. H. S. Ramaswamy
Professor, McGill University,
Quebec, Canada

Mr. Bundit Chokesanguan
TD Special Departmental Coordinator,
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development
Centre, Thailand

 Editorial Board


Chief Editor
Dr. Leela Edwin
Principal Scientist
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology
P. O. Matsyapuri, Cochin- 682 029, India
Dr. Nikita Gopal
Principal Scientist
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology
P. O. Matsyapuri, Cochin- 682029, India
Dr. A. A. Mohamed Hatha
School of Marine Sciences 
Cochin University of Science and Technology
Cochin - 682 016, India
Dr. V. R. Madhu
Principal Scientist
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology
P. O. Matsyapuri, Cochin-682029, India
Dr. Binsi P. K.
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology
P. O. Matsyapuri, Cochin-682029, India
Dr. Niladri Sekhar Chatterjee
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology
P. O. Matsyapuri, Cochin-682029, India


Single copy of each issue of the Journal will be supplied free to the bonafide members of the Society. For others, the rate of annual subscription is: Rs. 3000/- (India) US$ 300 (overseas).

Orders for subscription should be sent to:

The Secretary,
Society of Fisheries Technologists (India)
CIFT Junction, P. O. Matsyapuri,
Cochin - 682 029, Kerala, India
Tel: 91(0)484-2666845

All other correspondence includingorders for reprints should be addressed

The Chief Editor
Fishery Technology,
Society of Fisheries Technologists (India),
CIFT Junction, P. O. Matsyapuri,
Cochin - 682 029, Kerala, India.

Copyright @ 2012 Society of FisheriesTechnologists (India). All rights reserved.No part of this publication may bereproduced, stored, transmitted ordisseminated in any form or by any means without prior permission from Society of Fisheries Technologists (India).

This authorization does not extend to any other kind of copying by any means,in any form and for any purpose other than research use. The publisher assumesno responsibility for any statements offact or opinion expressed in the published papers.