Membership shall be open to all persons interested in fisheries, fisheries technology and fishing industry, having minimum basic qualification, as prescribed in Article 4 A (g) of the bye-law. The members of the Society shall consist of Patrons, Benefactors, Honorary Fellows, Fellows, Corporate Members, Life Members and ordinary members. The Society reserves its right to cancel the membership of any member or accept the resignation of any member belonging to any of the above categories. The cancellation will be made by the Executive Committee with the approval of the General Body.
The patrons shall be distinguished persons having the rank and status of Governors of States or Ministers of the Union or State Government, the Chiefs of the Staff of Army, Navy and Air Force or Vice Chancellors of Universities and Director General of ICAR and other National Scientific bodies. The General Body will have the power to confer the status of patron to distinguished personalities recommended by the Executive Committee.
Benefactors shall be an individual/institution situated in India or outside. An individual/institution resident/ situated in India shall become a Benefactor by subscribing an amount prescribed by the Executive Committee from time to time and an individual/institution residing/ situated outside India shall become a Benefactor by subscribing an amount prescribed by the Executive Committee from time to time.
Honorary Fellows
Honorary fellows shall be persons of eminence by their outstanding contributions to the science of fishery technology. There shall not be at any time more than 15 Honorary Fellows and not more than two Fellows shall be elected during each calendar year. The General Body shall elect the Honorary Fellows from the nominations received from members. Eminent scientists receiving the SOFT! Award instituted by the Society will automatically be conferred the Honorary Fellowship.
Honorary Fellows |
Any individual member of the Society who satisfies the following conditions shall be eligible to become a Fellow
i) Post graduate degree in Science/Fisheries or equivalent.
ii) He/She shall have been engaged in position of responsibility in any branch of fishery technology/ fisheries.
ii) Minimum 15 years continuous membership in the Society of which 5 years shall be as a Corporate Member.
List of Life Fellows |
Corporate Members
Any individual member of the Society who satisfied the following conditions shall be eligible to become a Corporate Member.
i) Bachelor's degree in Science/Fisheries or equivalent.
ii) He/She shall have been engaged in a position of responsibility in any branch of fishery technology/fisheries.
iii) Minimum 10 years continuous membership in the Society.
Corporate Member/Fellow shall be elected by majority of a Fellowship Committee. The Fellowship Committee shall have seven members including the President and Secretary of the Society and 5 members nominated by the Executive Committee shall be for two years.
The Corporate Member and Fellows of the Society shall be entitled to the exclusive use after his/her name of the abbreviated designation as follows:
Fellow F. S. F. T.
Corporate Member M. S. F. T.
List of Life Corporate MembersLife Members
A Life Member shall be an individual who resides in India or outside India and pays the membership fee prescribed by the General Body from time to time.
List of Life Members |
Ordinary Members
Persons or Institutions interested in fisheries technology are eligible for ordinary membership. Persons who apply for membership during the first year are automatically admitted as Founder Members whereas applications of all persons for membership thereafter shall be recommended by two members in good standing. Persons applying for ordinary membership shall possess a minimum educational qualification of a University degree (bachelor’s level) or equivalent. Institutions becoming members will be called Institutional members.